A mixed-reality project and co-production by Théâtre de la Manufacture Nancy (France), Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe (Germany) and Kote Marjanishvilli State Theatre Tbilisi (Georgia).

Associated artists: Bruno Cohen (Urban User Lab Nancy), Chris Ziegler (Moving Images, Arizona State University), Jan Gerigk, Bernd Lintermann (ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe).
“Stage Your City” is merging the trends of digitisation and participatory theatre. It plays with augmented reality, 360° video, gaming elements and an app-guided city walk. The participatory approach brings theatre directly into the community. In a dystopian fairy tale about a future city ruled by artificial intelligence, the audience is asked to explore their city interactively and make decisions about the question in which world they want to live in 2070.
2018: Internet, mobile and connected devices, geolocalisation… They create new forms of interaction and new habits. In view of the multiple deregulations in the world, recently a new stage of industrialisation has developed, going through a total encoding of the material and symbolic goods of human activities. This new data economy promises endless new possibilities and the reduction of global incertitude.
2052: Human activity is efficiently managed by artificial intelligence. The algorithmic rationality takes care of a pleasantly regulated and soothed social life. But in this dystopian world, nothing works anymore. Apart from the speed of information transmission, the accumulation of data and the controlled city that has become perfectly safe, Zigmagora is witness of a world without emotion and affect. Mission to us: recover lost emotions, values of brotherhood and traces of humanity.
To save what can be saved, Zigmagora comes back to that very moment when it all began and confides an essential mission to each of the people present: find the lost emotions, follow the traces of humanity, the values of brotherhood, sharing and equality.
More: Website
Premieres and Performances
12 April 2018 – Premiere in Nancy, Théâtre de la Manufacture
13-20 April 2018 – Performances in Nancy, Théâtre de la Manufacture
7-10 June 2018 – ETL showcase in Oslo, Det Norske Teatret
30 June 2018 – Premiere in Karlsruhe, Badisches Staatstheater
1 & 15 July 2018 – Performances in Karlsruhe, Badisches Staatstheater
27 Sept 2018 – Premiere in Tbilisi, Kote Marjanishvili State Theatre
09 & 15 Nov 2018 – Shows in Karlsruhe, Badisches Staatstheater – Tickets
“The extension of the individual smartphone to a device of a collective experience.”
– Badische Neueste Nachrichten
“The extension of the individual smartphone to a device of a collective experience.”
– Badisches Tagblatt
“A topic that arouses our curiosity.”
– France 3
“The staging is flowing, ingenious and if the device is perfectible, it does not harm the interest of this theatrical wanderings, rich, amazing, very pleasant.”
– La Revue du Spectacle
– L’Humanité
Artistic Concept & Digital Dramaturgy: Bruno Cohen, Michel Didym, Jan Linders, Nutsa Burjanadze
Stage Director: Michel Didym
Text: Marie Dilasser, Lasha Bugadze, Konstantin Küspert, Frédéric Sonntag
Scenography, Media, App design: Chris Ziegler
Video: Moritz Büchner, Andy Koch
Artistic Collaboration: Bernd Lintermann, Jan Gerigk (ZKM Zentrum für Künste und Medien)
App development & Programmation: Givi Sartania, Naino Kashibadze, Guram Varshanidze
Project Management: Sarah McKee, Nutsa Burjanadze, Sarah Stührenberg, Maren Dey, Teresa Pfaud
With: Julia Gay, Natuka Kakhidze, Nadine Ledru, Emeline Touron, Klaus Cofalka-Adami, Benoît Fourchard, Bruno Ricci, Yves Storper, Christian Ruud Kallum, Espen Reboli Bjerke, Ragnhild Meling Enoksen, Eirun Skår Myrvang