A coproduction of Théâtre de Liège (BE), Teatrul National “Marin Sorescu” Craiova (RO) and SNG Nova Gorica (SI) in collaboration with INCESA, Research Hub of Applied Sciences, University of Craiova (RO), the Multitel Innovation Center (BE) and the company Transquinquennal, Brussels (BE), producing “IDIOMATIC”. Associate artistic advisory by CINETIC, Bukarest (RO).

Innovation in captioning for performing arts: This multilingual, transnational project identifies translation via new technology as key to expand audiences and increase intercultural dialogue. It uses the research phase to find new ways to develop translation aids with digital technology. The theatre-makers, together with scientists from the universities of Craiova, Liège and Bucharest, and the partner companies Incesa and Multitel, have done research on synchronized broadcast, vocal recognition and speech-to-text technology.
A tongue-twisting entertainment on the tip of one’s tongue, turning on mother tongues and other tongues in a post-Babel performance that got lost in Google Translate. The show is brought forth by the meeting of the actors and by their impossibility to share a common tongue. It is a show without a “mother” tongue, designed to go everywhere, to meet all audiences. It is an internationalist show, not a globalist one. Not one word of “Globish” will be pronounced; each actor/actress will keep his/her language and identity on stage.
The actors try to elaborate a common communication tool in order to present the show the audience has come to see. The dynamics of the show are structured by incomprehension and cultural differences. It is a participatory show in which the spectators find themselves in the same position as those who are making it.
Like all learning processes, “IDIOMATIC” adapts and modifies itself by trial and error. The participation of the audience and the progress of each actor in the elaboration of comprehension will modify the show in real time. From a potentially frightening starting point (“We don’t understand each other, it’s awful!”), the show will evolve toward a more optimistic statement. The need for communication is rooted in human nature. The absence of a common language is not an obstacle. The desire to communicate and to meet others is far more fundamental.
Premieres and Performances
16-19 May 2018 – Premiere and shows in Craiova, Teatrul National “Marin Sorescu” (Romania) – Tickets
7-10 June 2018 – ETL Showcase in Oslo, Det Norske Teatret (Norway) – Tickets
31 January 2019 – Premiere in Théâtre de Choisy-le-roi (France)
05-08 February 2019 – Premiere and shows in Liège, Théâtre de Liège (Belgium) – Tickets
12-15 February 2019 – Premiere and shows in Slovensko Narodno Gledalisce, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
“Idiomatic is a show that dissolves conventions for an hour. […] You feel like friends.”
– Yorick.ro
“A digitised Babel Tower.”
– Marketwatch
“This international collaboration has had a lot to say not only linguistically, but also theatrically.”
– Yorick.ro
Text: Marie Henry
Stage direction: Transquinquennal
With George-Albert Costea (Romania), Anna Galy (Belgium), Georg Peetz (Germany), Elisabeth Sand (Norway), Andrej Zalesjak (Slovenia)
Stage and costume design: Marie Szersnovicz
Production: Transquinquennal
Coproduction: Théâtre de Liège, Teatrul National “Marin Sorescu” Craiova, Det Norske Teatret Oslo, Slovensko Narodno Gledalisce Nova Gorica, Théâtre Varia Bruxelles, Théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi
“Dub it: One Voice, Many Languages”
Project Manager Théâtre de Liège: Jonathan Thonon
Project Manager Teatrul National Craiova: George Albert Costea
Research Director MULTITEL: Jean-Yves Parfait
Research Manager MULTITEL: Alexandre Sokolow
Research Director INCESA: Claudiu Popirlan
Researcher INCESA: Florina Besnea
Research Fellow INCESA: Razvan Julian
Research Director CINETIC: Alexandru Berceanu
General Manager Théâtre de Liège: Serge Rangoni
General Manager Teatrul National Craiova: Alexandre Boureanu